
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

YA QAHARO یا قھار broke severe magic in days a mother

Ubqari Magazine - May 2015

 She had her eye fixed on one spot then after some time said mom she has gone I asked what it was.  She said they were 2 things which were horse like and were severely disturbed due to your recitation of YA QAHARO یا قھار.  And were yearning when you recited Azaan they ran away.


Repcted Hakkem sahib Asslam O Alaikum my story is like that that my daughter became ill and disease was something like this that white material came out of her body. It was something like LAKORIA disease in women, when I showed it to a lady doctor then instead of disease decreasing it stated to rise. Till the mucus which used to come out started to become firstly yellow then green kind of substance. Along with that itching and smell started to come. My daughter couldn’t sleep at night. I didn’t leave any lady doctor; any quack but there was no benefit. My daughter couldn’t eat anything but milk. Meat, minced meat or any kind of powerful meal, then the disease used to become worse. She became edgy ad irritating, her hair were so long they came off. Whole body and face became full with acne. Three years back when I went to Mandi Bahuddin there I found Ubqari magazine which became a blessing of ALLAH for me towards my life and my daughter’s life. Gradually as I read Ubqari magazine I came towards ubqari, prayers, towards recitation Quran. I started to recite WAZAIF???? . When I read friend of Jinny by birth my eyes started to open. Out of that I did the procedure of YA QAHARO which was to be done by putting the feet in water I started it in morning and evening.

Then the jinni’s in my house became furious, they had done magic on me my two sons and my daughter who had learnt Quran by heart. They all started to tease my mother in law who was 100 years old meaning they used to beat her at night. Sometime in bath or toilet the children of snakes used to come out in huge numbers. . When I used to pray at night Isha prayr they used to pull my shawl. There used to be sounds of GRR Garr from roof. My daughter who had learnt Quran by heart used to say mother I shall not remain in house as you recite a lot of YA QAHARO یا قھار. Then jinn tease me a lot.

You have also hung marks of UBQARI and also put marks in water. As I read Ubqari and friend of jinni’s by birth I came close to Quran and prayers. Then one day I read from Ubqari, the ways of finding about magic that from Surah Muzamal yellow rays come out. Then take a blue thread and measure from forehead till toe of foot and recite seven times then blow on thread. Then check again. When I did so I found out that there is magic on my daughter. I checked a lot of people that way. My children have also started to say prayers after looking at me.  I have also started to recite a few days back AZAN and procedure of AFHASABTUM and along with that I am also doing spiritual bath. When I did spiritual bath then I was surprised that there is some jinni inside me. The sounds of gurr gurr started to come out of my throat. There is allergy on my leg which couldn’t be cured by doctor. When I continuously did spiritual bath keeping the intention me and my daughter then my daughter and me started to feel a lot better

Then the scum which used to come out of my body and that of my daughter that stopped due to procedure of YA QAHARO, spiritual bath Azan and procedure of Afhasabtum. That stopped and so did the pain. I also did a procedure which is as follows.

It has been said by prophet Muhammad PBUH that if a person takes rain water and recite seventy times surah fatiha Ayatul Qursi Surah ikhlas Maoz-e-teen (surah falaq nd naas ) then he vowed that Hazarat Jibrael As came to me and gave me the news that whoever shall drink this water seven days thebn god will out all kinds of illness from his body. Even so God will remove all kinds of diseases from his flesh and bones also from all his body parts an bless him with health (aldar e azeem page 11)

I did the above mention procedure and hung the Mark of Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم in every room of house and for two days I asked my daughter to drink the rain water in morning. Second day when I was on phone with someone then my daughter said look mother there Is a thing like monkey which is flying. But I couldn’t see anything. I asked my daughter to recite Azaan . She did so. Then she said that before Azaan she was green then became red and then vanished. After 2 hours those things came again in front of her then she recited AZAAN and those things became red from green then vanished.

Second day at time of FAJAR Prayer when my daughter was reciting Quran then those two things started to rotate in front of them. My elder daughter who had learnt Quran by heart she started to recite last verses of Surah Baqra. Then those things became red from green then collided with mark on wall and became black and vanished. Next day at time of Fajar prayer my daughter’s eyes became very dangerous she said mother recite Azaan


She had her eye fixed on one spot then after some time said mom she has gone I asked what it was. She said they were 2 things which were horse like and were severely disturbed due to your recitation of YA QAHARO.  And were yearning when you recited Azaan they ran away.

One year back the lungs of my father were finished meaning he had no hope of becoming well I started to do the procedure of Azaan and Afhasabtum and used to do Dum on him then those things irritated me a lot. My throat became dry completely my legs used to be like that as my blood pressure is very low. When those things irritated me I used to do the procedure of Afhasabtum and azaan and YA QAHARO and do dum on me I used to become well. Respected hakeem sahib I read the from friend of Jennies’ by birth to recite Surah Muzammil seven times after fajar prayer without talking to anyone. I did it and it was three month then I found fifteen thousand in my cupboard even though the key was with me. I had not placed that money. Was it due to jinn as I had recited Surah Muzammil. Respected hakeem sahib due to you and Allama Pursrar Lahoti I had come out as very close to God of mine. May God also give me power to help the creation of God? Your reward for good favors is only with God. We sinful people are praying for you that may God do blessing on your coming generations.


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